Private Company Registration In Moradabad
Public Company Registration In Moradabad
Nidhi Company Registration In Moradabad
NBFC Company Registration In Moradabad
Income Tax Returns In Moradabad
GST Registration In Moradabad
GST Returns In Moradabad
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Companies not for profit (section 8 company) – These companies must obtain a license from the central government before they are registered. They are limited liability but are not required to use the word Limited or private with their names. They are formed promoting art, science, commerce, sports etc. Profits are applied towards its objective and cannot be distributed among its members. It enjoys various exemptions on registration. It does not pay stamp duty for registration of Memorandum and Articles of Association. It can be formed without share capital Government can revoke license any time by giving a notice.For registration of not for profit (company section 8 ) in moradabad visit us at Himanshu Negi and Associates